Social Media Audience

How to Grow Your Social Media Audience?

Social media has become a way for companies and brands to reach customers. It is also a way for consumers to interact with those brands and make their voices heard. In order to have an effective social media presence, it is important that you have a large following. We have put together some steps that you can take to grow your social media audience in order to get more engagement with your brand.

Tips to Grow Your Social Media Audience

Here are some tips to help you grow your social media audience:

Tip 1: Start small

If you are just getting started with social media marketing, it is important that you start small. You may want to start by creating accounts on the most popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Once you have these accounts set up and running smoothly, then consider adding other platforms such as Pinterest or Google+.

Tip 2: Create an engaging profile

Your profile is the first thing that people see when they visit your page. Make it interesting by including an engaging header image, fun text describing what makes you unique, and clear call-to-action buttons.

Tip 3: Create engaging content

The key factor in attracting new followers on social media is creating engaging content. You need something that will catch their attention and keep them coming back for more! This could be anything from funny GIFs or memes, images of food/drink/clothing items and more. The possibilities are endless! Just make sure that whatever you choose follows the rules set out by each platform.

Tip 4: Post regularly (but not too often)

Posting regularly will help build awareness about what you do and encourage followers to engage with your content. However, posting too often can be annoying to users who aren’t interested in seeing more than one post per day from any given account, aim for about 1 post every 2 days.

Tip 5: Be consistent

If you’re posting once per day, post at the same time every day so people can come to expect it and look forward to it. If you’re posting once per week, try to post on the same day every week. This will help you build a rhythm and make it easier for people to notice when/if you miss a day or two (which happens!)

Tip 6: Respond to comments and questions from your followers

 It’s important that they feel like they’re being heard by you—and that they know you care enough about them to take the time out of your day (or night) to read what they wrote and reply! If someone asks a question, don’t ignore it! People love knowing that their questions matter enough for you to answer them.

Tip 7: Post content that’s relevant to your audience

If you have a blog, write blog posts about topics related to your business or industry. If you aren’t ready for that yet, post photos and videos of things that people who visit your website might be interested in. For example, if you sell vitamins online, share photos of healthy meals or recipes with hashtags like #eatyourvitamins and #healthyfood.

Tip 8: Use #hashtags 

Hashtags help people discover new content on Instagram and Facebook by grouping posts together under one hashtag so they’re easier to find. You can also use hashtags to start conversations with other businesses or customers using the same hashtag—you never know what kind of connections might come out of it!


When it comes to building an audience on social media, there are a lot of different options. If you’re unsure which one is right for your brand, we suggest trying out a few. You can always change strategies if one doesn’t work for you.

We hope the tips we laid out in this article will be helpful for you in your journey to growing your social media audience.

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